Monday, December 29, 2008

Toxic Legacy: Synthetic Toxins in the Food, Water and Air of American Cities

Product Description:(Hardcover)

Any professional examination of existing or potential new toxins in a population must account for those already present from past problems and natural conditions.

Toxic Legacy provides extensive information on the occurrence of chemical hazards and their potential dangers in combinations in the food, water and air in cities around the United States. The book illustrates consumer preferences for specific food and water products, as well as particular diets and discusses the toxicity and risks associated with our exposure to synthetic chemicals.

The authors offer unique guidance to environmental engineers, scientists, process engineers, and planners and specify what steps can be taken to limit exposure to complex chemical mixtures.

*Includes strategies for minimizing our exposure to chemical mixtures*Provides detailed analysis of hazards associated with exposure to chemical mixtures from multiple sources* Presents chemical data on the food, water and air for 36 metropolitan areas in the United States

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Should kids be tested for lead exposure?

Answer: I think they should.
I would be particularly concerned that a child be tested who is a “mouther,” a finger-sucker, or a child who frequently is putting toys in the mouth.

I would also want to test children under age 4 who have been playing with these toys if it were my child. I think you would want to do that just for peace of mind.

When I was at the EPA, we did an observational study of toddler behavior. We found that toddlers were putting their hands to their mouths anywhere up to 26 times an hour, the mean was 9.5.

They are not necessarily sucking their thumbs, but there is a lot of hand-to-mouth behavior.

We were surprised by the findings and had to rethink the way we were looking at risks for little kids.

Until next time,


Monday, September 8, 2008

What is the health risk for children from lead exposure?

Answer: The most significant risk has to do with developmental delays and the impact of lead on brain development, which occurs with very low levels of exposure.

Lead is also hazardous to adult brains. In fact, there is a lot of research here at Hopkins that’s beginning to show that low levels of lead affect adult brains as well as those of children.

Lead is also toxic to the kidneys and to blood formation. It’s also a carcinogen.

The Heavy Metal Screen Test is a safe and effective way to test children for metals and toxins.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Health Risks Of Heavy Metals

Like heavy metal? Think again.

We are not talking Ozzy here, but in fact heavy metals that can be very harmful to your health if found in your drinking water.

Severe effects include reduced growth and development, cancer, organ damage, nervous system damage, and in extreme cases, death.

Exposure to some metals, such as mercury and lead, may also cause development of autoimmunity, in which a person's immune system attacks its own cells. This can lead to joint diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, and diseases of the kidneys, circulatory system, and nervous system.

The young are more prone to the toxic effects of heavy metals, as the rapidly developing body systems in the fetus, infants and young children are far more sensitive.

Childhood exposure to some metals can result in learning difficulties, memory impairment, damage to the nervous system, and behavioural problems such as aggressiveness and hyperactivity. At higher doses, heavy metals can cause irreversible brain damage. Children may receive higher doses of metals from food than adults, since they consume more food for their body weight than adults.


Toxic metals can be present in industrial, municipal, and urban runoff, which can be harmful to humans and aquatic life. Increased urbanization and industrialization are to blame for an increased level of trace metals, especially heavy metals, in our waterways.

There are over 50 elements that can be classified as heavy metals, 17 of which are considered to be both very toxic and relatively accessible. Toxicity levels depend on the type of metal, it's biological role, and the type of organisms that are exposed to it.

The heavy metals linked most often to human poisoning are lead, mercury, arsenic and cadmium. Other heavy metals, including copper, zinc, and chromium, are actually required by the body in small amounts, but can also be toxic in larger doses.

Heavy metals in the environment are caused by air emissions from coal-burning plants, smelters, and other industrial facilities; waste incinerators; process wastes from mining and industry; and lead in household plumbing and old house paints. Industry is not totally to blame, as heavy metals can sometimes enter the environment through natural processes.

For example, in some parts of the U.S., naturally occurring geologic deposits of arsenic can dissolve into groundwater, potentially resulting in unsafe levels of this heavy metal in drinking water supplies in the area. Once released to the environment, metals can remain for decades or centuries, increasing the likelihood of human exposure.

In addition to drinking water, we can be exposed to heavy metals through inhalation of air pollutants, exposure to contaminated soils or industrial waste, or consumption of contaminated food.

Because of contaminated water, food sources such as vegetables, grains, fruits, fish and shellfish can also become contaminated by accumulating metals from the very soil and water it grows from.

Sip with confidence, use the Heavy Metal Screen Test and see if your local water supply contains any of these harmful metals.
For more information click on the picture above.

Until Next Time,


Saturday, July 26, 2008


What does copper look like?
Unlike most metals, which are usually silvery white, copper has a pinkish gold color. It is ductile and rather supple in its pure state; an excellent conductor of electricity and heat.

What are some uses for copper?
Copper has been used for thousands of years for coinage, cookware, armor and a variety of other uses because of its easy accessibility and malleability. In modern times copper is used for numerous applications, in fact too many to list on this page. But here are a few of the more common uses for copper in today's society:
- Electrical wire
- Electromagnets
- Magnetron in microwave ovens
- Roofing materials
- The Statue of Liberty
- Plumbing
- Cookware
- Coins

How does one come into contact with Copper?
Copper is an essential nutrient to plants and animals and therefore is usually found in the human bloodstream. A small amount of copper in the body is needed for basic functioning, however, in excess amount copper can be poisonous. A person can be exposed to excess copper through copper in the air near smelting factories, in drinking water from running through old copper pipes, food, ingesting copper containing fungicides, and from excess skin contact.

What are the Effects of Overexposure to Copper?
- Nose and throat irritation
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Kidney or liver damage
- Death

Reducing exposure to Copper:
The most likely source of exposure to copper is through drinking water so the best ways to reduce overexposure is to run the faucet for at least 15 seconds in the morning, especially if you have copper pipes. Also, you can buy a water filter system. One company that makes products especially for this is Waiora, they have a large line of detoxification and wellness products.

Testing for Copper in the Body:
A blood, urine or feces test at a doctor's office can test for copper in the body but cannot determine exact amounts without further, specialized testing. An easy, at home way of testing for overexposure to copper is a Heavy Metal Screen Test kit.

For more information on Copper and Copper Poisoning:

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Rik J. Deitsch and Dr. Stewart Lonky Interview

Invisible Killers Authors Rik J. Deitsch and Dr. Stewart Lonky discuss environmental toxins on WGHP

This book is a must have for your library!
Click the link on this page to purchase or for more information.

Remember also to purchase a Heavy Metal Test Kit for your home, it's the easiest, and most cost effective way, to test for lead and other dangerous metals you may be exposed to.

Until next time,

Monday, July 7, 2008

Lead in Paint, Dust, and Soil

Why Do You Need to Be Concerned About Lead?

Lead is a toxic metal that was used for many years in products found in and around our homes. Lead also can be emitted into the air from motor vehicles and industrial sources, and lead can enter drinking water from plumbing materials. Lead may cause a range of health effects, from behavioral problems and learning disabilities, to seizures and death. Children six years old and under are most at risk.

Most Common Sources of Lead Poisoning:
Deteriorating lead-based paint
Lead contaminated dust
Lead contaminated residential soil

The rest of this article can be found at:

Remember to purchase a Heavy Metal Test Kit for your home, it's the easiest, and most cost effective way, to test for lead and other dangerous metals you may be exposed to.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


All about Cadmium:
Cadmium is an abundant transition metal with a soft, bluish-white appearance and naturally occurring in the earth's crust. Cadmium is malleable, soft, and very toxic, known to cause cancer and often found in zinc stores. Cadmium is also found combined with oxides, sulfides, and other carbonates. People with poor nutrition or those who do not get enough iron in their diet tend to have cadmium stay in the body longer.

Types of Exposure:

How does Cadmium get into my body?
-Cigarette smoke
-Air from smelting and refining metals
-Air where fossil fuels are burned
-Ingesting fungicide
-Battery acid
-Fruits and vegetables planted in cadmium rich soil
-Shellfish and organ meats

Effects of Poisoning:
-Kidney, lung and intestinal damage
-Birth defects (Low birth weight, learning disorders)
-Fragile bones

What are the symptoms of poisoning from cadmium?
-Stomach ache

What tests can I do to detect cadmium in my body?
-A doctor can perform a urine, blood or fingernail test

How do I rid my body of cadmium?
-Improve diet
-Stay away from cigarette smoke
-Test soil and drinking water

More Information about Cadmium:
-Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


What is lead?
A transitional metal with a bluish-white color in its natural solid form and shiny chrome silver when melted. Lead has been used for weapons and tools for hundreds of years because of its malleability.

How am I exposed to lead?
- Inhalation
- Ingestion
- Usually occurs with prolonged or repeated exposure

Results of lead poisoning:
- Damage to internal organs
- Kidney failure
- Brain and Spinal Cord damage

Symptoms of lead poisoning:
- Fatigue
- Depression
- Abdominal pain
- Elevated blood pressure
- Reproductive problems
- Anemia

How do I come into contact with lead?
- Lead base paint (Used before 1977)
- Soil in urban areas
- Playground soil
- Drinking water
- Dust
- Leaded gasoline
- Foreign cosmetics

- Chelation therapy with DMSA (Dimercaptosuccinic acid)
Given every 8 hours for 12 days and then every 12 hours for the next 2 weeks.

Monday, June 16, 2008


What is nickel?

A naturally occurring hard, silvery-white metal that is found in all soil including volcanic soil and the ocean floor; often combined with other metals to create alloys.

How am I exposed to nickel?
- Ingestion
- Inhalation
- Skin contact

What are the symptoms of exposure?
- Allergic reaction
*Skin rash
*Asthma attack
- Chronic bronchitis

What are the results of over exposure?
- Chronic bronchitis
- Impaired lung function
- May lead to cancer in lungs and nasal sinus with prolonged exposure

Poisonous Levels:
- > 0.05mg/cm3 per week

How do I come into contact with nickel?
- Food containing nickel
- Skin contact
- Soil
- Tobacco smoke containing nickel
- Bath or shower water
- Metals containing nickel
- Coins or touching jewelry containing nickel

How is nickel detected in the body?
- Urine
- Feces
- Blood

Treatment for nickel poisoning:
- Naturally secreted from body
- Chelation therapy in extreme cases

Thursday, June 12, 2008


What is arsenic?
Arsenic is a non-metallic element found naturally in the earth's crust. It is odorless and tasteless and in its organic form, found in natural water sources, is not poisonous to the body. However, taken in excess or in inorganic forms used industrially, it can be very poisonous to the body.

Some information about arsenic:

-Main constituent in more than 200 minerals
-Metalloid naturally occurring in the earth’s crust
-Odorless and tasteless
-Occurs in rocks, soil, water and air
-Classified as a carcinogen (substance that induces cancer)
-Volcanic activity is most significant source of natural arsenic
-Occurs in crystalline, powder, amorphous or vitreous forms
-Many names and forms depending on environment
-Inorganic arsenic from factories is most harmful

Where is arsenic found?
-Naturally occurring arsenic in ground water
-Tobacco smoke
-Burning preserved wood
-Additive in poultry and swine feed
-Use in pesticides has left large tracts of agricultural land contaminated
-Meat, poultry, dairy products and cereals
-Fruit and fruit juice, sugar and candy, fats and oils

Effects of arsenic poisoning:
-Heart arrhythmia and death associated with arsenic in ground water
-Increased risk of lung, internal organ and skin cancers
-Complications in pregnancy/Still births
-Cardiovascular disease
-Respiratory disease
-Chronic exposure (>0.75mg/m3 per year) shown to lead to black foot disease and peripheral artery disease
-Hyperkeratosis and changes in skin pigmentation

How do I rid my body of arsenic?
-Consuming garlic has been shown to help flush the body of arsenic. It will be naturally secreted through urine.
-Chelation therapy
-Water filters are a great way to keep many different heavy metals our of your body.

The Heavy Metal Screen Test is a great way to test for various metals in your body, click on the picture for more information.

Until next time,

Monday, June 2, 2008

Heavy Metals in the Body

The Problem
Toxic heavy metals, such as mercury, cadmium and lead, are associated with many serious diseases and health problems.
Cancer, heart disease, cardiovascular problems, birth defects, skin disorders, nervous system related numbness, and mental and neurological disorders represent only a few of the health problems associated with toxic heavy metal poisoning.
Heavy metal poisoning can result from eating contaminated foods, drinking coffee, smoking, and even breathing the air in a polluted city. In fact there are a host of sources of toxic heavy metal poisoning.
The Sources
Aluminum - cookware, beverages in aluminum, cans, antacids, antiperspirants, bleached flour and processed cheese
Arsenic - beer, pesticides, cosmetics, tap water, fungicides, paint and table salt
Beryllium - plastics manufacturing, electronics, steel alloys and volcanic ash
Cadmium - tobacco, tap water, coffee, air pollution, seafood and auto exhaust
Lead - hair dyes, cigarette smoke, tap water, paint, auto exhaust, inks and glazes
Mercury - amalgam fillings, chlorine, seafood, fabric softener, adhesives, waxes, medications and air pollution
Copper - copper water pipes, birth control pills, swimming pools, intrauterine devices, nutritional supplements (especially prenatal vitamins)
Nickel - hydrogenated oils (margarine, commercial peanut butter and shortening)

So what can you do about this?
Find out if you are lead-toxic. One very easy test is a simple blood lead test. Be sure the lab can measure VERY low levels of lead accurately. Anything higher than 2 micrograms/deciliter is toxic and should be treated.Unfortunately, the blood test only checks for current or ongoing exposures, so you must also take a heavy metal challenge test with DMSA, EDTA, or DMPS, which can be administered by a doctor trained in heavy metal detoxification. (See or to find a qualified doctor.)
The easiest and most convenient way to test is to use the Heavy Metal Screen Test in the comfort of your own home, you get immediate results in an easy to use format.(Consider undergoing chelation therapy if your lead levels are high.)
Reduce your exposures by having a “no shoes in the house” policy.
Test your water for heavy metals. (Heavy Metal Screen Test can be used for this also)
Buy a carbon or reverse osmosis water filter for your drinking water.
Take 1,000 milligrams of buffered ascorbic acid (vitamin C) a day, this helps remove lead from the body.
Take 2,000 to 4,000 IU of vitamin D3 a day to prevent your bones from releasing lead into your bloodstream.
Using a product called Natural Cellular Defense, daily is way to remove metals and other toxins that may be present. Click on the Waiora link for further details.
Even though many of us have toxic levels of lead in our bodies, there is a lot we can do to prevent it and treat it.

Until next time,

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Heavy Metal Screen Test

World's first immediate method of screening heavy metals.
Easy to do.
Quick and reliable results (2 tests per kit)
Scientifically approved.
Tests your drinking water, urine, saliva, and other aqueous solutions, dust, paint, and food.

The scientifically documented Heavy Metal Test (Screen) allows the detection of free electrically active heavy-metal ions in any aqueous solution such as drinking water, urine, and saliva, by means of a simple single-use procedure and in just a few minutes. It is easy to conduct and the results are not only quickly obtained but also provide a dramatic and convincing demonstration of the product. The test is recommended for anyone who is concerned about the level of metals in their body or currently considering using a celation or detox product such as Natural Cellular Defense by Waiora. This is one of the most effective, scientific ways to have information to document a products effectiveness from baseline to end result .

This is a must have for Waiora distributors!

Click on photo for details or to make a purchase.